The Finals Rush

YPC News

The Finals Rush

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As the semester comes to a close, students are faced with the familiar scramble for studying. The dreaded finals that everyone is well aware of have arrived and scarred most students. These students tend to be extremely stressed during this time, and most begin to have health problems.


This all originates from the massive amount of cramming and studying that students must dedicate their time to, which causes a decrease in time and an increase in stress. According to doctors and professionals, students seem to feel the most stress during times right before major events like the finals, and so their health dramatically worsens. This includes inflammation of skin, aching muscles, and also a worsening immune system. All of this may lead to chronic illnesses and mental conditions (such as depression).


Proper steps must be taken to ensure that students don’t have these illnesses and mental conditions. Students must remember to eat healthily, exercise regularly, and to take a break once in a while; it is important for students to pass finals, but it is also important for students to protect their mental health.


Eating healthily and maintaining a proper diet is important for students to protect their health because food is what gives nutrients and energy to our body; without it, it is impossible for students to even be alive, let alone study for their next final. One of the recommended tips for eating healthily is to avoid junk food that uses grease and oil. This clogs pores of skin and also makes the body very heavy. It also increases cholesterol levels and increasing levels of heart disease.


During finals, we must remember to study, but to also be aware of our health and how it affects our performance. 


by Nathan Park




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