Kentucky Man Accused of Shooting Roommate For Eating Last Hot Pocket
At 64 years old, Clifton Williams was charged with felony assault for shooting his roommate for
eating the last Hot Pocket remaining in the fridge. According to the Louisville Metro Police
Department, the roommate, who has gone unnamed, did not receive any life-threatening injuries.
Arrested early Sunday and charged with second-degree assault, Williams pleaded not guilty on
Monday. The attorney for Williams did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The two roommates had a physical fight over the frozen snack, escalating as Williams started
throwing tiles at the roommate. Originally intending to fight, the victim threatened Williams but
left. The suspect promptly followed him and shot him in the buttocks with a gun.
Williams is scheduled to be back in court for a preliminary meeting on May 30, and his fate will
be determined then. A person convicted of second-degree assault may be sentenced to 5-10 years
in prison under Kentucky law. Someone who “intentionally causes physical injury to another
person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument” is defined by the state as a
second-degree assault convict.
Maybe Williams should have had a Snickers because, as the saying goes, “You’re not you when
you’re hungry.”
By Matthew Moon