Coronavirus: US Jobless Benefits Expire

YPC News

Coronavirus: US Jobless Benefits Expire

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Since US President Donald Trump declined to sign a $2.3-trillion (€1.9 trillion) coronavirus pandemic aid and expenditure plan, millions of Americans had their unemployment insurance expire on Saturday.

Trump stunned both the Democratic and Republican parties by opposing the bipartisan aid package. Trump's refusal to sign the bill into law appears to undermine months of Republican and Democrat efforts in creating a bipartisan bill. Trump did not object to the bill amid the dispute between both respective parties. Yet he called the bill a "disgrace" the day after it was passed by both houses of Congress, saying it did not do much for regular people.

Trump advocated for millions of Americans to increase their one-time $600 stimulus bonuses to $2,000, a suggestion that some Democrats have accepted, but that was quickly defeated by House Republicans. He has also suggested that the bill provides too much money to special organizations, cultural initiatives, and diplomatic assistance.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that she would hold a roll-call vote to meet Trump's demands. She said it would be her motive to exert pressure on Republicans who initially rejected the higher stimulus tests.

The decision by Trump to keep the bill unsigned has stopped the additional unemployment insurance. Currently, with funding running out and eviction precautions already due to expire at the end of the year, for many, the near future looks bleak.

by Emilie Chi



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