What is the census? Why is it important for us?

YPC News

What is the census? Why is it important for us?

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Every 10 years, the United States counts everyone living in the country, no matter where they are from, what language they speak, or why they are in the country. The count includes children and new born babies, citizens and noncitizens, and temporary residents. The 2020 Census helps determine which areas qualify for the critical resources that students and families depend on for the next 10 years and all of you can shape the future for myself, my family, and our community for the next 10 years.



The U.S. Constitution mandates that everyone in the country be counted every 10 years and the first census was in 1790.


The data collected in the 2020 Census will inform the distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds to states and communities each year. These funds impact critical services, including education, health care, senior centers, and public transportation.

81cc4f66e3834de8a1638222d309dbc1_1596568002_4343.jpg After each decade’s census, state officials redraw the boundaries of the congressional and state legislative districts in their states to account for population shifts. And the data are used to reapportion the House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state gets.



Communities rely on census data to plan for a variety of needs, including new roads, schools, and emergency services. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices, and stores. 




81cc4f66e3834de8a1638222d309dbc1_1596568003_2827.jpg The volunteer organization, HOPE UOF USA that I serve as a chairman collaborated with other volunteer organizations to distribute daily necessities to the residents in local areas at planned events during COVID-19 pandemic.


I also distributed more than 300 flyers and the promotional materials of 2020 Census to encourage the local residents, parents and students to response to 2020 Census. Beginning in mid-March 2020, I have been doing volunteer services to distribute flyers and the promotional materials of 2020 Census to encourage people because participation in 2020 Census is very important and will shape the future for myself, my family, and our community for the next 10 years.



by Jeannie Seojin Lee 








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