High School now requires Freshmen to take the PSAT in October

YPC News

High School now requires Freshmen to take the PSAT in October

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For the first time in school history, Pacifica High School is now requiring freshmen to take the PSAT 9 from October 19, 2019, as a direct result of the state changing its SAT testing requirements.


In previous years, juniors would take the ACT test. Sophomores used to take the PLANNED test and eighth graders took the EXPLORE test, as a way to prepare for ACT testing.


Now, since it is a graduation requirement for juniors to take the SAT, the PSAT and PSAT 10 are administered to be aligned to that test. 


Although the test is required for all freshmen to take, concerns were made about whether PHS had provided enough information about the test.


“I was aware from an email, but I feel like they didn’t provide enough information because a lot of people don’t know about it,” freshman Natalie Rae said. “They didn’t tell me if I need to prepare or anything so I don’t know what I should do.”

 Junior Clara Lee wished she had been offered the opportunity to take the PSAT when she was a freshman: “When I came in to take the PSAT 10 I was so nervous and I feel like getting that extra practice before taking the SAT would be really helpful, especially since you could eventually get scholarships, like the National Merit Scholarship.”


A concern that students shared was the possibility that the test could bring more stress to the students, as the test is three hours long and there are four tedious sections.


“I feel like [freshmen] are not ready for [the PSAT],” sophomore Ryan Hieung said. “It’s their first year and that’s not something they want to have… to do.”


By Alice Lee 

Pacifica Highschool  


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