22.5 Years

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22.5 Years

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On June 25, Derek Chauvin, the former police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison. However, this sentencing disappointed prosecutors, protesters, and Floyd’s family members who were expecting 30 years. 

On May 25, 2020, Derek Chauvin held his knee on Floyd’s neck for over 9 minutes. Floyd was pronounced dead at a hospital and Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder, second-degree unintentional murder, and second-degree manslaughter four days later. After nearly a year of protests, Chauvin was convicted of his murder charges on April 20. 2 months later, Judge Peter Cahill gave Chauvin 22.5 years in prison.

Before the sentencing began, Chauvin said, “At this time due to some additional legal matters at hand, I'm not able to give a full, formal statement. I do want to give my condolences to the Floyd family. There's going to be some other information in the future that would be of interest and I hope things will give you some, some peace of mind.”

After Chauvin spoke, Floyd’s daughter, Gianna Floyd, his brothers Terrence and Philonise Floyd, and his nephew, Brandon Williams, gave their statements. In a video to her father, Gianna said, “I miss you and I love you … I want to play with [you], have fun, go on a plane ride.” Philonise pleaded to “find it suitable to give Officer Chauvin the maximum sentence possible. My family and I have been given a life sentence.” Chauvin’s mother also provided a statement, saying her son is a “quiet, thoughtful, honorable and selfless man” and his reputation is now “an aggressive, heartless and uncaring person.”

This ruling was more than the 12.5 years under Minnesota guidelines and harsher than the probation Chauvin’s attorneys requested. However, prosecutors were fighting for a 30-year verdict. Also, Chauvin can finish his time in prison in 15 years (⅔ of the sentence) and serve the rest on parole if he maintains good behavior. 

Judge Cahill said he wanted to “acknowledge the deep and tremendous pain that all of the families are feeling, especially the Floyd family.” He explained his judgment was based on Chauvin “abus[ing] his position of trust or authority” and Chauvin’s treating Floyd “without respect and denied him the dignity owed to all human beings.”

Brandon, Floyd’s nephew, was upset about the ruling, saying, “When you think about George being murdered, in cold blood with a knee on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds execution-style in broad daylight.” Floyd’s sister, LaTonya Floyd shared the same sentiment and said, “That’s nothing. That’s nothing. He should have got the max, period.”

by Kevin Lee 



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